Tennis Champion’s Mum Gets a Lift and Looks Great!

Written By Janine Corciulo

Feb 20, 2021

How To Properly Use Retinol In Your Skincare Routine

Recently, the ‘Times’ wrote a column on how Judy Murray achieved such a smooth and glowing complexion without going under the knife. It turns out that Judy had undergone 3 treatments of Radio Frequency skin tightening with medical micro-needling. A treatment that I have been offering here at SkinGenius for a few years now with fantastic results on the neck and eye areas along with smoothing out wrinkles and softening scars anywhere on the face and body.

Looking at today’s market, I see a growth in the same technology but with varying energy levels and adjustments. So what today is the best machine? During the lockdown, I have found it a perfect time to research and develop my knowledge of the technology that is backed by scientific evidence. This has again convinced me that I am still offering the very best in the form of INTRAcel

What creates the skin tightening and smoothing of wrinkles?

Radio Frequency energy is delivered deep into the subdermal tissue via insulated needles, which help to minimise pigmentation stimulation. The heat creates new collagen stimulation and remodels the SMAS membrane (Sub-Muscular Aponeurotic System), which over a period of weeks and months continues to smooth and tighten

INTRAcel Radio Frequency Micro-Needling – Let us look at the facts:

  • 49 micro-needles compared to 15 – 30 on later models – better results on surface irregularities and deep wrinkles
  • Insulated needles compared to non-insulated which can result in Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
  • Needle depth 0.5mm – 2mm – compared to 1 – 4mm depth
    Deep does not mean better! Around the eyes and some thin, aged skins need to keep fats within the tissue to look youthful. Going too deep could result in dark pigmentation and thin skin so it is crucial to get the depth correct.
  • Although I agree with a 4mm needle on thicker tissue for ‘lockdown’ tummies but we are talking tightening faces here, and not remodelling fat.
  • Speed adjustments to be in control when treating delicate areas such as eyes and lips compared to set speeds.


Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Facial

I also just use RF energy without the needles as I can still achieve a general tightness to the skin, however you would need this monthly and it would not address the wrinkling and moderate slackness. That is why I choose to add this stand-alone RF in my monthly facial, “The Ultra Facial”, along with mesotherapy and a mild peel.

What is the expected downtime with Radio Frequecny Mico-Needling?

We have all had time to reflect on how we want to look after our skin health in the future, especially having to go on to zoom meetings and noticing our jawlines not as firm, which is why this treatment is gaining in popularity as the results are natural and nothing extreme so you can go about your day to day without concerns. Yes, you are red and a little tight for a few days, but you can wear mineral makeup straight away if that concerns you.

We have all experienced anxiety and stress over the last 12 months so it’s obvious that our skin will show signs of ageing. Stress will change the proteins in our skin to reduce its elasticity, which can contribute to wrinkle formation, and anxiety will produce cortisol, which will break down collagen.

How to prepare your skin before your treatment.
A diet high in sugar will play havoc with our skins yet we have all needed that weekly cake bake to get us through each month. Let’s say no more about wine!! Yet now is the time to be feeling more positive and a great way to move out of lockdown would be to tackle these areas now so that when you start your treatment to boost your complexion, you know you are on your way to reversing the damage we may have developed during lockdown.

Five steps (I have more but who needs the pressure!) to prepare your skin for clinical treatments:

  1. Start the day with warm water and lemon.
  2. Download a yoga app and do as little as 10 -20mins each day to give your skin a glow and improve digestion. I love the Asana Rebel app.
  3. Wear your SPF daily. Harmful rays penetrate through glass so even if you are indoors just put it on. You can order through the SkinGenius website if you are running low.
  4. Drink soluble collagen for a month so you are treating and rebuilding collagen from within. I stopped my Skinade drink for a few months and noticed how my face and body looked dry and dull so I am back on again and will not be stopping that in a hurry!
  5. Drink lots of water, less wine, less coffee and a good 8/9 hours sleep is vital to repair and renew our skin.



INTRAcel will be available on Wednesdays from

10 am – 8 pm.

Treatments range from £500 – £850

Wrinkles and slack tissue normally require 3 treatments over 4 months


Ultra Facial – £195

A monthly facial for clients wanting to maintain clinical results or looking to advance into aesthetic procedures. Includes Radio Frequency, mesotherapy and a corrective peel.

You’ve probably heard the name Retinol before. You might even be using a form of it right now in your skincare routine. It’s proven to be a massively popular option for people looking to maintain or boost their skin tone and texture due to its, potentially, very impressive results. But, do you know your retinol from your retinoic acid? And, if there’s this thing called “retinol” already, then what’s a “retinoid”??? I’m always surprised by just how frequently I’m asked in-clinic for advice or clarification of what’s what, so I’ve put together some information here that I hope will prove useful to you.

As always, I advocate seeing a skincare professional before starting out on any new course of treatment. It’s always best to err on the side of caution and be well informed – especially when applying new products to your face!

So, what exactly is retinol?

Retinol is a type of vitamin A that belongs to a class of compounds known as retinoids. It’s an important nutrient for skincare and beauty because of its ability to promote cell turnover, stimulate collagen production and help improve the texture and tone of the skin. It can be effective in addressing issues like fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and even acne.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, even though retinol use can give some great results, it’s important to note that retinol can be quite a potent ingredient and might cause skin sensitivity, redness, dryness, and peeling, especially when first introduced into a skincare routine.

What’s the difference between retinol and retinoids?

These are both chemical compounds derived from vitamin A but there has been some misunderstanding as to what people are actually referring to when they say retinol. A lot of people simply refer to all retinoids as retinol – hence the confusion!

Retinoids” is the umbrella term for these compounds that encompasses all vitamin A derivatives including both over-the-counter options like retinol as well as prescription-strength options like tretinoin (Retin-A), tazarotene and adapalene. Prescription-strength retinoids are generally more potent and have a more direct effect on the skin which is why they may require medical supervision and are regulated more than retinol.

Retinol” is a specific type of retinoid and is a weaker form compared to prescription-strength retinoids. It is available over-the-counter and is typically found in various skincare products such as creams, serums, and oils. Because it’s a milder option, it can be a good choice for those of us that are new to retinoids or with more sensitive skin.


What does retinol treat?

Regular retinol use can help diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by promoting collagen synthesis and increasing cell turnover. It helps fade hyperpigmentation and dark spots caused by sun damage, acne scars and other factors which leads to a more even skin tone and improved complexion.

It’s also often prescribed to effectively treat acne. It can help prevent clogged pores, reduce inflammation, and regulate sebum production, all of which contribute to clearer and smoother skin.

Retinol is good for treating the following skin conditions:

– Acne and oil control
– Skin texture such as large pores
– Fine lines and wrinkles
– Dark spots, pigmentation and melasma

But, be warned! It’s important to approach retinol use with care and knowledge. Its potency can lead to side effects, especially when not used properly and there is a risk of sensitivity, redness, dryness and peeling, especially when first introduced.

It’s highly recommended to introduce retinol slowly and gradually into your skincare routine and to use it in conjunction with a good-grade vitamin C anti-oxidant and a high-quality sunscreen to minimize any potential side effects.

How to avoid the dreaded retinol reaction!

Experiencing a retinol reaction (often referred to as the “retinol purge” or “retinization”) is a much more common occurrence than you might think. It’s easy to get the amount applied to your skin wrong when you first start using it and especially more so when using stronger forms like prescription retinoids. There are, however, several steps you can take to minimise the likelihood and severity of these reactions while still benefiting from retinol use …

– Use a pea-sized amount on your fingertip to begin with and be sure to avoid applying to sensitive areas such as around the eyes, corners of the mouth and around the nasal area.

– It’s recommended to start with a lower concentration and gradually increase usage to allow the skin to adapt. Apply it every third day at least to begin with which will increase your skin’s tolerance. Then, gradually increase the frequency as your skin becomes more accustomed to it.

– Use a mild, non-drying cleanser that won’t strip your skin of its natural oils and avoid harsh exfoliating cleansers or scrubs. Apply retinol to completely dry skin after cleansing. This can help reduce the likelihood of irritation.

– Retinol products should typically be used at night and given time to penetrate the skin. This will also stop transferrance to clothing, pillows, etc.

– Don’t mix retinol with other strong skincare ingredients as this can increase the likelihood of irritation. Use retinol on its own and keep your routine simple.

– Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after application to avoid transferring any retinol to sensitive areas such as the eyes or mouth.

– Sunscreen is essential! Use a high-quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 50 during the day. This is an absolute deal-breaker! Retinol can make your skin so much more sensitive to the sun and protection is crucial to prevent further damage.




And, remember to be patient!

Patience is key when using retinol. Results may take several weeks to become noticeable and skin sensitivity might occur initially.

Pay close attention to how your skin reacts and adjust your routine as needed to achieve the best results while minimizing any potential irritation.


Your skin may actually appear worse on the outside initially as it adjusts to the retinol. Individual reactions can vary from skin sensitivity, redness, dryness and peeling, especially when first introduced into a skincare routine. Some people may not experience a significant purge or negative effects at all while others might experience more pronounced changes initially. These will be temporary effects and shouldn’t last longer than a few days. As always, I urge you to consult with your SkinGenius aesthetic practitioner should you have any concerns.

One last thing …

It’s so important to note that retinol use should be tailored to our individual skin types, concerns and sensitivities.

If you’re considering using retinol to treat specific skin concerns, please get in touch with us at SkinGenius to discuss which retinol treatment is the best choice for you. We will be able to provide you with personalized, professional guidance based on your skin’s unique characteristics and needs and, also, how to incorporate retinol into your skincare routine safely and effectively.

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